Howto Enable Ssh Key Forwarding in Ssh and Vscode via Zsh on

So you can finally only use the key from your local laptop


I recently got a new Macbook Air M1 and at my new customer i wanted to git pull certain repo’s at a remote server. This didnt really work. So i figured it all out. Underneath you can find all settings for your ssh config, ssh-agent.

Add the correct parameter to your ssh config

Edit your ssh config via vim ~/.ssh/config and add the following (change your remote server accordingly)

Host <your-remote-host>
  User <username>
  ForwardAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/keys/<your-ssh-key>

Please note the ForwarAgent yes; this will allow your key to be forwarded by the ssh-agent Also UseKeychain yes; This is different than on linux, since keychain will be your key wallet on macos

Install ssh-agent

brew install ssh-agent

Add the key to ssh-agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/keys/<your-ssh-key>

Now make sure that the apple key chain is used:

ssh-add --apple-use-keychain --apple-load-keychain

note: this is vital!

Edit the zshrc

A thing i initially forgot was to add the ssh-agent plugin to zshrc:

plugins=(git colored-man-pages colorize pip python brew macos ssh-agent)

note: there are other plugins i personally use, ofcourse we are talking about ssh-agent