- Have some kind of k8s cluster running (inclusing k3s)
- have one or more gitlab repo’s
This will learn you how to deploy a simple gitlab runner in k3s / k8s with the registration token in a k8s secret.
Since gitlab 16.0 you are required to register your runners in a new fashion. Please refer to your git repo and get a new token per runner. Store this in a secret as explained underneath.
Gitlab runner
Create a gitlab namespace
kubectl create namespace gitlab
Create a directory and values.yaml in your git repository:
mkdir gitlab
touch values.yaml
Example config of values.yaml:
concurrent: 2
create: true
namespace: gitlab
secret: gitlab-runner-secret
config: |
image = "debian:11"
## Specify the name for the runner.
name: "gitlab-runner"
Kubernetes secrets:
Get the registration token from:
base64 encode your registration token:
echo -n '<unencoded-token>' | base64
Create a yaml file as follows, and paste the tokens in there:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: gitlab-runner-secret
namespace: gitlab
type: Opaque
runner-registration-token: "<base64-encoded-token>"
runner-token: ""
Create the secret based of the yaml file:
kubectl apply -f ./gitlab-runner-secret.yaml
How to install the runner on the cli:
sudo apt install helm
helm repo add gitlab
sudo helm repo update
helm install --namespace gitlab gitlab-runner -f gitlab/values.yaml gitlab/gitlab-runner
useful tips and commands:
If for some vague reason your .kube dir and or config have disappeared. You can use this to create a new one:
mkdir ~/.kube
touch ~/.kube/config
sudo kubectl config view --raw > ~/.kube/config
You can export your kubeconfig with the following command:
sudo export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
or (without sudo perms)
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
Check the permissions of you k3s.yaml as such:
ls -ltrah /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
-rw------- 1 vuurvoske vuurvoske 3.0K Feb 24 15:40 /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
note: please note that if changed it to my own user so i do not need sudo permissions to create deployments etc. It might so that on your system root is the owner. Then use sudo.